Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Senior History Major Contract Deadline Nov 23

Senior History Majors: A reminder that your signed contract is due to Professor Rector by Monday, November 23.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Registration Begins November 16

Students should plan to meet with their history advisers this week to prepare for registration for Winter term 2010.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Student Historians Host Bake Sale to Preserve Manuscript

Where: WUC 2nd Floor East Lobby (Near the Bookstore)
When: October 27th & 28th
Time: 11 am – 3 pm
Proceeds go toward the preservation of a 12th century illuminated musical manuscript here at WOU!

Sponsored by the Student Historians of Western and Phi Alpha Theta
For more information:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Required Meeting for Senior History Majors

Students who are seniors majoring in history and who will be taking History 420 in winter term 2010 and History 499 in spring term 2010 need to attend a meeting in preparation for that process.

Required Meeting for History Majors
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
5:00 p.m. HSS 110A

For questions contact Professor Benedict Lowe at

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The History Minor

A history minor can be a strong complement to most any degree. Students learn the skills of research, critical analysis, and writing and gain an historical perspective on a variety of issues.

At Western the history minor consists of 28 credit hours.
Choose at least one course from four of the five categories below and three additional elective courses. A minimum of 16 credits must be upper division.

One course from four of the following for 16 credits:
North American Studies
Africa/Latin American
East and West Asia
Additional electives: 12 credits
Total: 28 hours, at least 16 upper division.

Students considering a history minor should consult with history faculty members for a specific program.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oregon Heritage Fellowships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students


The Heritage Programs Division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation
Department will provide 1-3 fellowships of $1,500 each to undergraduate
students who are seniors and to graduate students for researching,
writing and presenting a topic related to history, geography,
archaeology, cultural heritage, or historic preservation in Oregon.

The Fellowship recipients will make a 20-minute presentation of their
project or research findings at an Oregon heritage mini-conference in
April 2010. They will also be invited to submit their project paper to
the Oregon Historical Society for possible publication in the Oregon
Historical Quarterly.

The purpose of this Heritage Fellowship is to encourage the thoughtful
inquiry of Oregon's heritage by emerging scholars. Many new topics
remain to be pursued, and fresh perspectives on previously examined
topics are needed as well in order to keep the investigation of Oregon's
history fresh and relevant. The Fellowship not only offers a financial
incentive for those research efforts, it provides an opportunity for
sharing the results with the Oregon heritage community though a public
presentation. The hope is that these efforts will stimulate further
inquiry and discussion, and perhaps lead to even broader dissemination
through publications and other media.

The recipient must be a full-time student at a university in the State
of Oregon. The student must have completed at least 135 quarter credits
(or the equivalent) as an undergraduate student, or be enrolled as a
graduate student. The student may be enrolled in any major or field and
must be in good academic standing.

The research project must have Oregon’s history, geography, cultural
heritage, archaeology, or historic preservation as its central focus.
Examples of some of the areas this might involve would be history
education, architectural history, political history, environmental
history, art history, literary history, gender studies, ethnic studies,
the teaching of history, and historic preservation. Other topics are
possible as well.

Applications are due Oct. 19, 2009. Complete application information is
available at

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Phi Alpha Theta Paper Proposal Deadline Extended

Please note the following extension of the Phi Alpha Theta paper proposal deadline to October 15, 2009. If you have questions about Phi Alpha Theta, the National History Honor Society, please contact Professor John Rector, the WOU History Department Phi Alpha Theta adviser, at

Due to numerous requests, the deadline for submitting Phi Alpha Theta Biennial Convention paper proposals has been extended to Thursday, October 15, 2009. Student paper proposal forms should be submitted by the chapter advisor online at Submit faculty proposals at
Further information regarding the convention, such as hotel and registration details, is available on our website at
If you have any questions, please contact the national office at or 1-800-394-8195.

Monday, September 28, 2009

MA Student Orientation

MA Students New and Returning -- join us for an orientation session with History faculty Tuesday, September 29 at 4:30 in HSS 230.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome Fall 2009

Welcome to fall term at Western and to our new history department blog. Plan to visit this blog often for history department news, announcements, advising tips, and other information of interest.
This year we have several changes in the department. We give Professor David Doellinger our sincere thanks for his great work as chair for the past three years. I am returning from sabbatical leave and will take on the duties of chair this year. Professors Bau Hwa Hsieh, Ben Lowe and Ram Sil will be serving as our graduate studies committee for the department. Professor Max Geier is on sabbatical leave this year and we welcome Professors Nell Brownell and Laurie Carlson who will be teaching with us this fall and throughout the year. Professor Rector continues to serve as Social Science Division Chair.
With best wishes for a great fall 2009 term,
Kimberly Jensen
History Department Chair